• If a child has to be withdrawn from the school, at least one calendar month notice in writing is required. In case of failure to do so, one month fee will be charged. If the child is withdrawn after the beginning of the academic session, one clear calendar month extra fees will be charged.
  • One time charges (Refundable ), if any, will be refunded at the time of withdrawal of the child from the school on production of the One time charges (Refundable) Deposit Receipt along with an application on the prescribed form, provided all school dues have been paid in full or settled satisfactorily. Refund of One time charges (Refundable) will have to be claimed within a year of the date of withdrawal of the child from the school.
  • Those who leave the school in the month of May must in all case pay the fees for the month of June.
  • Transfer Certificates are not issued until all the dues related to accounts, class teacher, library and sports sections of the school are settled.


  • In disciplinary behaviour and/or indecent act in school.
  • Detention or repeated detentions in a class. As a rule, only those students will be retained on the roll of this school who can take the school leaving examination and are under 18 years of age.
  • A student who fails twice in the same class, will not be permitted to continue his / her studies in the school.