The process of academic activities in Ashutosh Memorial School starts from notification of admission through flexi banners, pamphlets, print media and social media platforms, to reach up to far- reach and distant places and to attract good students. We also ensure that parents of all the students are well briefed about curriculum, teaching – learning processes and other facilities available for their wards. Utmost care is being taken while selecting the study material for different level of studies. Time table of routine teaching and extracurricular activities are adhered to in letter and spirit. We also ensure to conduct unit tests, quarterly and midterm tests followed by annual examination. The progress of every student is regularly communicated to the parents to apprise them about the academic achievement level of their wards. For us every single student is most valuable, hence, all the students are given due attention and care so that they could progress with all-round excellent performance and could achieve every success in their future career.

Amit Kumar
