
The student’s personality, initiative and originality are given full scope in creative curricular activities and by involvement and participation in youth groups and movements, sports and games.

Every student is expected to take part in school activities. This rule is applicable even when such activities are organized beyond the school hours or at any other premises. Each student is obliged to take part in co-curricular activities. It is not possible to allow students to indulge in co-curricular activities at their will and selectively. While selecting students for excursions / educational tours, participation in School co-curricular activities and attendance during Saturday activities will have a considerable weightage.

Sports organised outside the regular school curriculum and timings are available to students by selection and on deposit of a refundable security/ subsidized cost, subject to completion of the activity/sport as per school regulations. The security is non refundable in case of noncompliance or completion of the sports/activity. The maximum time allowed to claim refund is one year from leaving the school. The amount there after will be transferred to the donation fund.

Students wanting to participate in Educational Tours organised by the school have to have a good behavioural record and above average academic performance before being considered for such tours.