• Parent-Teachers Meetings are held after Unit Exams and Summative exams in a year.
  • This enables the parents/guardians to meet the teachers and to know the problems and progress of their child and benefits the teachers to seek parents’ cooperation.
  • These are contact meetings and the teachers and parents cross inform each other about the child and it goes a long way to help the child to improve.
  • Information about the dates and days of such meetings are given by the teachers to the students well in advance.

We Entreat The Parent / Guardians With The Following recommendations

  • Proper development of a child depends mainly on two factors – your supervision at home and ours at school. If either is lacking, the progress of your ward suffers. We expect you to cooperate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity, discipline and habit to study and prepare lessons with keen interest among your wards.
  • Student’s home-work diary must be checked and signed daily. It is an important medium of communication between you and the teachers.
  • You are required to notify the school of any change in the address immediately.
  • You are required to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the rules and regulations of the school as well as other details and to maintain cordial relations with the school staff.
  • Students must not be disturbed in course of studies during school hours by the parents / guardians/ relatives. Parent-teacher meeting is the proper forum for holding discussions. However, in case of any emergency permission of the Principal is necessary.
  • Tuition by or teachers is specifically prohibited. Students who want to improve if they are not making satisfactory progress can avail the facility of remedial and extra classes conducted by our teachers absolutely free of any charge.
  • No member of the teaching staff is permitted to visit the homes of the students for any reason, -whatsoever.
  • Criticism of a teacher or school, particularly in the presence of a student is extremely undesirable and even harmful as it creates disregard for the teachers. Unwanted and superfluous rumours’ cause immense damage to the building of personality cult of the students.
  • It should always be kept in mind that we are all linked together in a continuous progress of educating the children. Hence cordial relations must be maintained at all levels, realizing that the net result of recriminations falls on the child.